- Your contract is with Star Bay Hotel. Usage of this website is on condition that you accept without variation. The terms and conditions set out here in which Star Bay Hotel may vary from time to time at its sole discretion with/without notice to you and you acknowledge that the usage of this website constitutes your agreement to all the terms and conditions in force for the time being as set out herein.
- In the Terms & Conditions: "we" or "us" or "Hotel" means Star Bay Hotel (including, where appropriate, our employees, agents, and suppliers and all relevant insurers); "you" or "guests" means any and all person(s) for whom a hotel room is booked.
- The following terms and conditions create a legally binding agreement between you and Star Bay Hotel.
- Administration fee : Room booking and administration fee.
- Booking confirmation number : A number will be issued to the guest who successfully completes their room booking process.
- Cancellation charge : Any cancellations received are subject to a minimum of 5% of total Booking Amount. Failure to arrive at our hotel will be treated as a late cancellation and will incur a minimum cancellation fee of one (1) night, or more, per room.
- Changes : Such changes are limited and not limited to guest name, booking date(s), room type and any other changes which will be determined by Star Bay Hotel. For such changes, the guest needs to call Star Bay Hotel or e-mail us.
- Bed : Single size bed or Queen size bed or King size bed.
- Cancellation : When you cancel your booking with us.
- Check-in time : 2.00 p.m. until 5.00 a.m
- Check-out time : Before 12.00 p.m.
- E-mail : Any email from guests send to starbayhotel@gmail.com will receive reply within 3 working days.
- Guest : A staying customer at Star Bay Hotel.
- Hotel : Star Bay Hotel.
- Service tax and charges : RM10.00 Tourism Tax.
- Multiple nights : More than one (1) night.
- Rate : Price charged for your room(s).
- Real time : A steady flow of new information without interruption occurring immediately.
- Security : CCTV and key lock system.
- All room reservations enquiries, or cancellations please contact Hotel at starbayhotel@gmail.com
- Payment for all nights of your accommodation must be made at the time of booking. All bookings will be charged to via a payment instrument made available by us from time to time i.e credit or debit card, FPX, e-wallet or DuitNow QR. For the walk-in guests, payment by valid credit card, DuitNow QR and/or cash. Please note that your booking is only valid if you receive a valid reference number. If you do not receive a Booking Confirmation number in 24 hours, please contact us at +6010 446 3084 or email starbayhotel@gmail.com.
- All bookings are subject to availability.
- When you first book with us, you will be registered as a "guest" of Star Bay Hotel and you will be required to provide personal details which will form part of your registration.
- Once your booking has been completed, a reference number will be issued which you should keep. You should present this reference number upon check-in at the Hotel, together with proof of your identity (NRIC/Passport) at the point of check-in. The person named in the booking must be the person that will actually be staying, failing which, Star Bay Hotel reserves its absolute rights to cancel the room or it shall request the person named in the booking to be present during the check-in.
- Your room will be held for your arrival until 1800 hours on the day of your scheduled check-in - after which the booking will be deemed cancelled (unless full amount of reservation is paid), unless hotel is informed.
- For multiple bookings, in the event the guest fails to check-in on time at the booking date, we may, with sole and absolute discretion, shall accommodate a new guest to the Hotel rooms for the remaining booking terms without any further notice given to the guests. Upon that, the previous booking will be deemed cancelled.
4. Star Bay Hotel ROOMS
- Star Bay Hotel's rooms vary between Standard, Superior and/or Deluxe. During the booking process, should the type of room you require not available, then an alternative one will be displayed subject to the availability. At all material times during your booking process, please ensure that your booking reflects exactly as per your requirement i.e booking dates, room types, room rates, number of guest(s) etc in proper manner, failing which, we shall not be responsible and/or liable for your booking.
- Daily cleaning takes place between 0800 hours to 1800 hours. If for any reason our housekeeping staff are unable to enter your room during the first attempt, then cleaning will only take place the following day.
- Guest(s) are not allowed to bring in to the Star Bay Hotel room as per the followings :
a. no pets, livestock.
b. any non-prescribed drugs, flammable liquid, bio hazard, heavy machinery.
c. any electronic/electrical appliances which may interfere or obstruct with the Hotel's computer network/systems.
d. any pillows, bed sheets, duvets.
e. any kitchen utensils for cooking purpose.
f. any other items which may disrupt directly or indirectly our Hotel operation or interrupt other guests' stays in our Star Bay Hotel.
- Star Bay Hotel operates on a strict arrival check-in and check-out policy.
Check-In Time : 1400 hours until 0500 hours
Check-Out Time : before 1200 hours
- If check-out is beyond 1200 hours, an additional charges (RM10 per hour) will be imposed without further notice to the guest.
- Latest time of arrival is 1800 hours on the booking date, failing which, your booking is deemed cancelled (unless full amount of reservation is paid). We shall reserve our absolute rights to re-sell the room to our guest(s) without further notice to you.
- Once bookings made and/or guest(s) checked in, bookings are non-refundable.
- Any changes regarding the date, room category, duration of stay of your booking will require you to cancel your initial booking and re-book your stay with the Hotel.
- Any cancellation or amendment of your booking MUST be done/made 3 days before your scheduled check-in date. A cancellation Fee of your 1st night rates will be charged.
- For any cancellations or amendment of bookings within 3 days before your scheduled check-in date, the monies paid are deemed forfeited. Multi-nights bookings cancelled within 3 days before your scheduled check-in time will also be deemed forfeited.
- This credit is not transferable to any other parties.
Star Bay Hotel reserves its absolute rights to commence any legal action or proceedings against the guests in relation to any damages incurred to the rooms or to the property while in the premise. Star Bay Hotel also reserve it's absolute rights to charge the credit card of the said damages incurred to the rooms or to the property without any notifications and if such costs of damages are unable to recover fully from the credit card, Star Bay Hotel shall commence a legal proceedings against the guests without prior notice.
- Star Bay Hotel reserves its absolute rights to refuse accommodation to any person(s) without any notice and may terminate the booking or stop any event immediately without being liable for any refund or compensation under the following circumstances (but not limited to) where:-
a. such action is deemed necessary for reasons of safety or security; concern any unlawful activities, disturbance or which cause public nuisance which will affect the comfort of the other guests of the hotel.
b. your conduct, status, age or physical condition or the physical condition of your luggage is deemed such as to, (i) may cause harm, discomfort or (ii) involve any hazard or risk to yourself or other persons or to our property.
c. you have committed misconduct on a previous stay and such conduct may be repeated.
d. the applicable rate or any charges or taxes payable have not been paid, the payment of your room rate is fraudulent (i.e. using a fraudulent credit card), the credit card by which you paid for the rate has been reported lost or stolen; the booking is counterfeit or fraudulently obtained.
e. the booking of our Hotel Room(s) has been done fraudulently or unlawfully or has been purchased from a party not authorized by us.
f. the booking has been altered by anyone other than us or our authorized agent or has been tampered with or defaced (in which case we reserve the rights to retain such booking documentation); and/or
g. you do not register as the person stated on the booking or the person checking in cannot prove that he is the person named as per the booking (we reserve the rights to retain such booking documentation in such circumstances).
- We are only responsible for your booking reservation and guarantee the same at the Star Bay Hotel on your date of arrival as per the reservation made by you.
- We only warrant that the room, as described on our Site, will be available to you.
- We are not in a position to guarantee your safety against accidents, death, acts of God, flood, riot, theft, or even acts of negligence. All activities have inherent risks to health and safety and Star Bay Hotel will not be responsible for any eventualities related to services booked through this site.
- Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the material contained on the Star Bay Hotel website is accurate, and all material published is in good faith, Star Bay Hotel does not warrant or represent its accuracy and disclaims to the maximum extent permitted by law all warranties expressed or implied by statute, custom or usage relating to the information contained in the website. Star Bay Hotel will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential losses or damage arising out of the use of this site or any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in materials provided.
- We reserve the rights to retain your credit card details and your consent to us debiting such amounts for which you are responsible for as a result of and in the event any damages caused to the Star Bay Hotel room by you or your guest(s) during the stay. These amounts may be debited from your card without prior notification.
- We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of property left in or damaged as a result of being in your Star Bay Hotel room during your stay. We have no responsibility for any property left behind/damaged as a result of your stay.
- You are advised to obtain insurance to cover curtailment, and loss of luggage, personal effects, damages, personal injuries and money/valuable belongings.
- The laws of Malaysia shall apply to the Star Bay Hotel website and the Terms & Conditions therein and court proceedings relating thereto may only be commenced in Malaysia.
- Statutory Requirements. The hotel is subject to statutory controls, including those relating to fire, licensing, entertainment, health, hygiene and safety. These requirements must be strictly observed by you, your guests and/or representatives at all times throughout your stay at the Hotel.
- We will retain all personal information which you provide during booking. We may need to pass this information to other parties such as our licensees and it may also be required to be provided to security and/or credit checking companies, credit and debit card companies, government and enforcement agencies and public authorities if so required, or as required by law. This may involve sending your personal information between different countries.
- You consent to the disclosure of your personal information to us. We shall be entitled to disclose and you irrevocably consent to our disclosure of any information pertaining to you to such extent as we may at our sole and absolute discretion deem fit to any security and/or credit checking companies, credit and debit card companies, regulatory bodies, government and enforcement agencies and public authorities if so required, or as required by law; our franchisees, our branches, related corporations, associates, subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees, proposed assignees, agents, commercial partners, service providers and/or any other parties engaged by us to enable or assist us in the provision of services or to exercise or enforce our rights hereunder and/or any other party whomsoever as we may, at our sole and absolute discretion, deem fit.
- Any disclosure by us of the information referred to in this provision will not render us liable to you for any claim, loss, damage (including direct or indirect damages or loss of profits or savings) or liability howsoever arising whether in contract, negligence, or any other basis arising from or in relation to:
a. the release or disclosure of the information by us; and/or
b. the information being incorrect, erroneous or misstated; and/or
c. reliance on the information, whether caused by us or other third party's omission, misstatement, negligence or default or by technical, hardware or software failures of any kind, interruption, error, omission, viruses, delay in updating or notifying any changes in the information or otherwise howsoever."
- Star Bay Hotel reserves the rights to cancel, amend or vary at any time the arrangements featured on the Star Bay Hotel site without prior notice.
- Conflict between English text and other language text - if there is any conflict or discrepancy between the English text of terms and conditions of this Agreement and any translation thereof, the English text shall prevail.